Australia’s Guest WIFI Services Experts

Driven by innovation and customer feedback, our founders Peter and Judy recognised a need for easy-to-use and cost-effective WIFI systems, particularly for accommodation providers and the Hospitality industry.

Launched in 2011, Time Out Internet remains at the forefront of guest WIFI solutions and Wifi for hotels. The team is backed by over 50 years of combined experience in both internet management systems and business development.

Ongoing Customer Service

Our service to our clients doesn’t stop once the system is in place.

Our commitment to ongoing customer service gives us the ability to review and update any of our WIFI systems so they can continue to provide high-quality service for your business and your guests.

We listen to
YOUR guests

We monitor review sites, such as, that mention our clients so that we assist with any WIFI complaints before they become a problem for your business.

Support is available every day of the week

We know that issues can arise any day of the week. Our 7-day support line is available to all our clients and their guests from our Australian-based service team.

Meet the Founders

Peter Trollope

Peter has developed and worked on Internet Management Systems and WIFI services for over 22 years.

Understanding his customers’ commercial needs over the years helped Peter to expand his internet services and develop Time Out Internet into the dynamic business it is today.

“WIFI technology is constantly evolving, so what might have been the best solution for a particular client at the beginning, may benefit from some updates 6 months or a year down the track. This is why we work with our clients to provide a system that’s going to work for them and keep in regular contact to make sure it continues to do so.”

Peter’s commitment to innovation means that you know you’re getting technology that can keep up with the most demanding of customers in an ever-changing industry.

Judy Senn

Judy’s wealth of knowledge covers hardware and software distribution, sales and business development. She is a regular contributor to Accom Management magazine and stays up-to-date with upcoming trends and technology.

Her extensive and diverse customer service, sales and IT background give her the expertise to know what your customers need and how best to deliver it in the best way for your business.

“I’ve always enjoyed the personal connection we have with our clients. I want our clients to make informed decisions about the technology they’re taking on so that they can be confident in those decisions they’re making for their business.”

Knowing what your customer needs before they ask for it is why Time Out Internet has clients that have been with them from the beginning.